Friday, November 25, 2016

The Book of the Craven - NOT DONE

Desnus 7, 4712

It is a dark and stormy night at Shadowborn Manor, and the Cooper sisters are busy renovating one of the rooms. As the maneuver a plank in place, Daryle trips on The Rules of Chaos. This is the third time today, and every time she placed it back in her safe. She's had enough, so she decides that it's time for them to deal with this curse that hangs over their head. Darelle and Daryle return to the library and begin once again to search for clues as to where the books might have been hidden. After a few hours of research, Darelle comes upon a strange mention in an old journal of Karolina Shadowborn. Karolina had traveled extensively around Golarion and left lengthy reports. But she took a short trip to the small village of Beloglav, in the county of Ulcazar in Ustalav at the foot of the Crow's Blood mountain, and aside from the description of the weather Karolina reported nothing of interest. This entry peeks the sisters' curiosity, and they decide to head there. By land it would take about two weeks of solid travel, but Darelle has her blue pegasus. They will fly there.

Daryle decides to find as much information as possible on their trip. She consults a book on Golarion compiled by a later Shadowborn ancestor and finds an entry on this village, which mentions that it is at the foot of Crow's Blood mountain, upon which sits a structure called the Monastery of the Veil. This monastery was once populated by monks who had taken a vow of silence. Further research reveals that about five hundred years ago it is reported that a monk discovered a strange book in the Monastery, and shortly after that all contact was lost with the Monastery of the Veil.

The Cooper sisters pack, and head out on the summoned blue pegasus, leaving behind the first sprouts of spring.

Desnus 12, 4712

After four days of hard travel, the blue pegasus drops the sisters at the foot of an outcrop near the village of Beloglav. About 120 people live here, and it is immediately clear that this is a very poor area. The houses are little more than shacks, and though spring has arrived in Fort Inevitable here a deep layer of snow remains on the ground. There isn't much smoke coming out from the local chimneys, and the few people in the only street look haggard and harried. They look suspiciously upon the new arrivals.

 Daryle recalls that the Monastery of the Veil was located at the top of Crow's Blood, and a treacherous path led from this village to the top. The monks who lived there were dedicated to the silent research of eternal life. From here, the top of the mountain looks very high and is shrouded in dark grey clouds.

Darelle walks in the one general store of the village. Greeted with hostility by the owner and the two customers in the store, she mentions she's interested in trekking to the old monastery. The folks are in disbelief that someone would try such a crazy and deadly enterprise. In the exchange that follows they warn Darelle that the mountain is possessed by a demonic spirit and that everyone who's attempted the trek up the mountain in the last several generations has never returned. Well, all but one. Jessup, in his youth, climbed higher than most and lived to return home. Darelle inquires where she could find Jessup, and the shopkeeper tells her that his shack is the last one on the edge of the village, and would she take some soup to the old man?

Old Father Jessup is the local historian and geezer, and it is evident that his cabin has not been maintained in decades. Daryle knocks on the door, but the door just swings open. By the fireplace they see a very old man sleeping in his rocking chair, covered in heavy blankets. Darelle nudges Jessup awake. She realizes that Jessup is not only old but also blind and almost deaf.

Through much difficulty, Darelle and Daryle finally get Jessup to tell the story of the monastery. He tells them about the monks that fled the monastery. four of them did not make it down the mountain and were presumed dead or killed on top, including the monk who discovered the book. It is believed that the book somehow released a demon which has been on the top of the mountain ever since.

Noticing the lack of food in Jessup's pantry, Daryle goes out hunting. She notices a very large raven observing her and following her as she moves through the woods. After field dressing the meal, she searches for roots and other edible food in the forest and returns with a plethora of comestible, enough to feed Old Jessup for a few days.

Using the ingredients Daryle brought back Darelle prepares a stew for Jessup. It should last him a few days. Meanwhile, Jessup talks about the strange tale of the captured raven that was taken away to the capital of Ustalav. That large raven was considered to be the village's spirit, but its capture by agents of the Prince and its subsequent transport to the capital left the village bereft. Rumor has it that the raven eventually escaped and pecked the eyes of every soldier it encountered. It was never caught.

Darelle charms the raven atop Old Jessup's house, then she casts speak with animals. She then has a conversation with the raven.

Chogan, battle raven.

Desnus 13, 4712

Return to Jessup's

Darelle grabs the chamber pot. She finds an old iron sword and an iron dagger.

Recalls the pegasus, they begin flying towards the summit of Crow's Blood Mountain.

Land on top of the roof, the pegasus flies off

They rappel down to the floor, appears to be a library.

Desnus 14, 4712

Get the book, return Jessup's and told him to keep it quiet but the evil is leaving the monastery.

Desnus 19, 4712

Return back to Fort Inevitable. Fashion special arrows that are made of iron.

Why having necromancers as roommates is never a good idea - NOT DONE

Desnus 1, 4712

With spring in the air, Thorne thinks about his mother. He decides to contact her. sends one of his spies to deliver to his mother to ask her to come to Fort Inevitable and live with him if she's already lost the farm.

Darelle pays off her debt to the caravan merchants.

People have gone missing

Two prisoners are in different cells. Wilfrid Brimley is interrogated first. Roscoe asks Thorne to join him.

Wilfrid tells them

Go to the barn

Darelle gets dragged in the barn, and the door closes.

Thorne sees the giant take Darelle to the back stall. He then lifts a secret floor, and heads down with his victim.

Thorne, Roscoe and Rowen come up with a clever plan. Roscoe will knock on the door again, while Thorne smuggles himself in the barn. When the giant is flanked, they will attack.

Three more criminals bring another old lady

Rowen brings her down the staircase.

Total of five prisoners, one of them is a boy, has been here the longest at five days.

Rowen discovers a secret passage that leads to the house


Omok comes down the stairs

Darelle sends a message to the Hellknights requesting that 20 soldiers report to the location.
Roscoe arrests Rowen.

Attacked by a blood golem.

Attaked by Lord Dargentu.

Find Gerald's skin attached to a peg on the wall. Omok finds the Horn of Ovtik

Friday, November 18, 2016

Will the Coopers become alcoholic?

Gozran 6, 4712

After freeing many orcs in the dungeon of the hill giants, the Coopers are ready to confront One Eye. Gerald's plan is to free as many orcs as possible and let them flood the dungeon. They might not have weapons, but they'll provide rear-guard action.

The Coopers head down deeper in the dungeon. They find an old section of mine, and the tunnel leads away from the compound. In the distance they hear the sounds of a forge. Nearing the space, Gerald attempts to sneak in the room, but in the process he knocks over a rack of helmets. A fire giant steps forward. Broad chested and wearing a dirty leather apron, the giant demands to know why Gerald is here. Gerald replies in elvish that he is here for an inspection. The giant, hearing the elvish, mistakes Gerald for an elf and immediately charges.

Using magic missile, Gerald successfully hits the fire giant, but the giant takes his revenge and swings his mighty hammer, hitting Gerald squarely in the face.The sisters engage as well from the corridor. Darelle fires her wand of magic missiles, while Daryle shoots arrows. Gerald summons an ice elemental, but the creature misses its attack. The fire giant doesn't however, and he slams into Gerald, sending him against the wall. Gerald collapses to the floor.

With Gerald down, the fire giant targets the sisters. He aims at Darelle and connects with his hammer. She retaliates by kicking some of the helmets laying on the ground, distracting the fire giant while Daryle attack. Darelle takes a moment to send a message with her tree token to the orcs, telling them of the cache of weapons and their need for help.

The fire giant, sensing the tide turning, backs up towards the forge while a second fire giant steps around the corner. This one took the time to put on his armor and presents a more formidable challenge to the Coopers. Fortunately, the first giant is slain by Daryle's lucky shot.

Darelle changes her target and pursues her attack against the second fire giant and lands a few blows but is then caught by the ankle and thrown against the wall. She falls on top of Gerald, and she acts dead. The fire giant turns away from her and heads towards Daryle. Darelle makes use of this occasion to use a few scrolls of healing on Gerald. The sorcerer revives and comes up with a better plan. He will summon a set of ice elmentals.

Meanwhile, Daryle soldiers on, but the fire giant's attacks are relentless and she sustains wound after wound before falling unconscious. Gerald and Darelle unleash their surprise attacks and triumph over the second fire giant. In the forge the Coopers find six dwarven slaves cowering in the corner. Gerald frees and heals the slaves. He tells them why they are here, and requests that they make weapons to arm themselves and the orcs. The dwarves agree to help out. Despite their hatred for the orcs, they're willing to put these issues aside for a way out of their predicament.

Before leaving the forge, the Coopers search the giants' possessions. Daryle finds a shield of arrow catching +1, while Darelle finds a headband of inspired wisdom.

The Coopers continue exploring the dungeon. They find the bugbears' barracks and distribute the weapons they find to their orc allies. They also locate the dining hall and the kitchen, and the orcs partake of the food in the pantries.

The party returns to the main room. They find another cell block, with a human in each cell and a third cell filled with skeletons. Gerald sets the hay in the skeletons' cell on fire. They find Elmer, an engineer used by the giants to expand the mines. The second human is so far gone in madness that he can't even communicate. Elmer tells the Coopers that he has been "working" for the giants for three years, digging a series of new tunnels in their silver mine. He knows the other man was a merchant, but he's been here more

In the next room Gerald discovers One Eye's treasure, including a magical earthernware jug. Continuing their exploration, they discover the wine cellar. There are several barrels and half-barrels, along with five gallon canisters. All of them are sealed with a black wax and a death head stamped in the seal. Gerald recognizes the wine and the winery as the Angel of Death, an alcohol so toxic there is a 75% chance that a human would become immediately inibriated. Giants have a 25% chance. Once inibriated, the individual drinking is unable to stop until they pass out. The wine itself is black, has a slightly earthy smell, and tastes like no other such drink. Gerald values the wine at 200 to 800 crowns per quart. Gerald sets up several wizard locks to keep the door locked to protect the wine. If they're able to retrieve it and bring it back to Fort Inevitable, they will be rich!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

It's not only porridge boiling over in the giants' lair

Gozran 1, 4712

Five days after their return to Fort Inevitable from the mountains where Byrsag dwells, the Coopers decide it's time to head back to the giants' lair to investigate whether Greenhide managed to secure an alliance with them. Since it's the three months mark, and the merchant caravan, accompanied by hundreds of Hellknights heading to the Mendev Crusades, has stopped by Fort Inevitable, the Coopers go shopping to acquire much needed supplies. The merchants also brought several wagons of foodstuff which they sell at exorbitant prices, along with building materials.

Darelle buys the belt of the fair lady, and after some arduous negotiating she brings the price down to 10,000 crowns. But since she doesn't have enough money on hand, the merchant agrees to a price of 12,000. Darelle pays 5,000 now, and will pay the other 7,000 in three months when the merchant returns. She also buys the corset of the fair lady for another 10,000 crowns. She puts down 4,000 crowns as well as various magical items she no longer needs and will owe 5,800 in three months. She overhears a rumor that a caravan led by devils from Cheliax was ambushed a month ago a day after entering the River Kindgoms.

Daryle, meanwhile, purchases a plain old bow +2 for 6,500 crowns with half deferred in three months. And despite several tempting offers, she refuses to purchase a dress, remembering what happened the last time she purchased such a garment in the caravan. She overhears the rumor that Duke Mosley led an assault upon a demon fortress in the Worldwound and he suffered a grievous injury.

Gerald takes more time to purchase various items throughout the merchants on the greens outside of the town. He buys parts to make scale mail, a plain earring, an ear cuff, a few plain gold and copper rings, and two short bows. He plans on using these various purchases to create new magical items he can use. Gerald decides he will craft magical bows for his sisters. He overhears a rumor that the former Lady Commander, Audara Drovust, appeared at the Thrice Damned Court of the House of Thrune and was granted the title of Marquess of a minor domain in the Menador Mountains.

Because it is tax day, the Coopers report to the Chancellery and settle their tax bills. Darelle in particular feels bittersweet about her tax bill. On the one hand it is lower, but that's because her house burned down in the great Fort Inevitable fire. She still plans on rebuilding her house when building materials become available.

Gozran 5, 4712

Sixteen days after encountering the giants' lair, the Coopers trek return to the scene. The last snow fall occurred two days ago, and the tracks outside the giants' stronghold indicate that many people have walked around the compound. Daryle suggests that they wait. Around dusk they notice the stone giant from the previous time, accompanied by his orc slave, come out and fill water buckets in the frigid water before returning inside and closing the doors behind them.

They sneak to the outside door. Darelle falls into the door, but Gerald manages to catch her before she falls to the ground. The barn is almost empty, with only a few horses and three wagons. It is clear that the party has been over for some time. Daryle takes a peek up the tower, but she cannot see anyone up there. The Coopers decide to risk entering the giants' lair.

Inside they find that the giants are feasting, and in the room the Coopers spot a barrel of Zelnaux wine. Gerald drinks a potion of invisibility, and after Daryle opens one of the side door he steps through it. The hallway is empty, so Gerald heads to the end, and he leans on the door to listen. He can hear the lively conversations of the various cooks working in the kitchen. He returns to his sisters and he reports what he overheard. Daryle comes up with a clever plan. Let's put horse manure in the food, which should make the giants sick. Gerald heads back to the stables, and he harvests some before returning to his sister without spilling any on himself.

Daryle quietly opens the door, Gerald enters the kitchen. A giantess is currently belittling five orc cooks and two servants, so she doesn't notice the open door. Gerald goes to the first roaring fire and does his deed before leaving the kitchen. Hopefully this pot will be served tonight. With this accomplished, the Coopers decide to retreat to one of the empty rooms and wait for the giants to pass out or be poisoned.

Four hours go by, and eventually the party wraps up. A few hours later, when all is quiet, the Coopers emerge from the armory and begin exploring. They encounter a few rooms with slumbering giants. Then, they come across another giant's room, but this one is richly adorned. As they caucus and discuss what to do, an orc carrying linen walks in the room from a hallway. For a second the orc is paralyzed with fear, and Gerald uses this opportunity to try to keep the orc quiet by making hand gestures. The orc signals back that they are standing in front of the chief's room, and it is not safe to be here. Eventually the Coopers agree to follow the orc, but they suspect a trap.

Fortunately, the orc takes them to the kitchen, where the giantesses have retired for the night. Only orcs are present. The orc introduces himself as Gord, and he explains to the Coopers that his bretheren are prisoners in the basement, but some of them have freed themselves and are waging a rebellion against the giants. They have no weapons and they are guarded by bugbears. The Coopers agree that freeing the orcs would cause pandemonium among the giants, so they agree to help Gord and his troops. Gord shares the password the orcs below use below, "Ugly Eyes," with the Coopers. Daryle tells the orc Gord to wedge the door shut behind them, so no bugbears escape.

Darelle is first down, and she throws a few copper coins down to see if it attracts the attention of any of the guards. No one appears at the foot of the stairs, so the party heads down. They come upon a series of cells containing orc prisoners, as well as a hallways that has been closed by debris. Two bugbears are shouting arrows through slits into the hallway beyond the debris. The Coopers engage and the bugbears are quickly eliminated.

They continue their exploration, and they come upon a small room with two orc prisoners chained to the wall being tortured by four bugbears and one ugly ogre. Itching for a fight, the Coopers engage and are quickly triumphant. Gerald frees the prisoners, but they are too far gone to be of any use. In the next room down a short hallway they come upon another series of cells, with more bugbear guards. The combat is brutal but quick, and the bugbears do not manage to raise the alarm.

Gerald finds more orcs in cells. He tells them the passphrase. These orcs are ready to fight back even if they don't have any weapons. They are willing to join with the Coopers. The orc chieftain tells them about One Eye, a giant who wanders the corridors with his two carnivorous apes. Daryle tells the orcs to stay behind. The Coopers will clear the rooms heading back to the stairs, and the orcs will then be able to escape. Darelle sends her tree bird with a message to the rebels to let them know help is on the way and to assist in any way they could. The Coopers are now ready to move on and confront One Eye.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Finally, a relaxing level!

Pharast 17, 4712

Abernard returns home to find his house destroyed. He immediately rebuilds the house, and for most passerbys it is as if the house had never exploded. The Coopers know better, however. Gerald brings the jar that contains a live remnant of the critter that Rowen took out of him, and he fills him in about the destruction that happened to Fort Inevitable during his absence and the discovery of the massive Azlantian star gazer machine. Abernard takes furious notes. Cassandra comes to the house and invites Gerald for dinner. Gerald skillfully dodges the invitation.

Roscoe receives the bad news from the Hellknights' Exchequer that the treasury is empty. There is just enough money to either meet quarterly payroll or the Hellknight tithing share to be sent with the quarterly convoy, but not both. Roscoe summons Thorne, and the thief justifies his actions to support the town's food acquisition since the fire, but says they can borrow easily, he just need to get a few signatures. Perhaps they should also not collect taxes this month. Roscoe approves both measures. Roscoe also receives reports that food shortages are afflicting the town, and there is increasing resentment that the Hellknights are not sharing food.

Meanwhile, representatives of the Volunteer Society, a Daggermark outfit closely linked with the Assassins' Guild, approach Thorne to offer "protection" against perceived enemies in the Poisoners' Guild. After a heated conversation, Thorne agrees to pay them 1,000 crowns a month for protection.

There has been several infections afflicting the town, including influenza and typhus. The worse, though is a devil's chill, which is spreading quickly through town. Dr. Mordel is very concerned that the overcrowding in the shelters and the arrival of foreign construction crews is fueling this disease. Darelle wants to institute quarantine measures. She brings this issue to Roscoe, who in turns instructs Gerald to cast detect magic. The necromantic disease has been brought in magically but has now transformed into a regular illness and is spreading rapidly. There are 7 to 12 individuals being infected a day. Roscoe agrees to the quarantine. Darelle seeks High Mother Sarise Dremagne of the Temple of the Golden Key and she agrees to help.

Daryle visits with Karlyle the Butcher, and he reports that none of his hunters have seen or captured goblins in the last month. Karlyle the Butcher is concerned that they are plotting something. He also reports that a far ranging hunter has spotted a pair of hill giants on the edge of the Emerald Wood. Daryle reports this conversation to Roscoe. After much back and forth he decides to send a few scouts out, but does not plan on immediately dealing with this situation.

A small group of necromancers approach Rowen, and inform him they would like to worship him. They have heard of his exploit with Gerald, and they want the opportunity to learn from him. Rowen agrees to let them live in his farm.
Omok has been arm wrestling 37 times at the Juliver Arms. He has a match coming up with Bolgur in a few days. Thorne and him plan on rigging the match by using a ring of reflection. While there, Omok hears a rumor from one of travellers from the north who is rooming at the inn for the night: Duke Mosley was badly hurt in an battle against a demon army.

After dealing with their various issues, the Coopers gather at Gerald's house and head out to the Emerald Spire. They are ready to begin the exploration of the 12th level. After a morning trek they enter the underground tunnel and transport to the Yarrix level. They then descend the stairs. After a hundred feet they reach a large hole with a ladder going down. Thorne begins the climb down, followed by the others. The thief reaches a point where the ladder has rusted away, but it seems to pick up again about nine feet below. As everyone hangs on the ladder, a long discussion ensues among the Coopers to decide how to proceed. Gerald passes a torch down, and eventually it gets to Thorne, who drops it down on the ground. It fizzles and extinguishes. Darelle throws a coin down, and it does not hit the ground.

Thorne ties himself, then is lowered down by Roscoe. The thief stops at the ceiling of the room, and waits there. Omok throws himself off the ladder and lands in the room. He immediately notices a gelatinous cube hanging from the ceiling. The cube oozes down, and combat ensues, as more Coopers drop from the hole. Eventually they manage to destroy it. Within the remains of the cube Darelle discovers a wax statue that strangely resembles herself. Omok, for his part, finds a small golden imp. Gerald casts detect magic and discovers that neither of these objects are magical.

While the Coopers argue about their next move, Thorne takes the initiative and moves down the corridor. He finds a room that features a small but now empty pool. He moves around the room, and the bronze double doors in the southern wall open up automatically. The room beyond is cozy and warm. Thorne is greeted by the head butler, an automaton's head that sits on a table. The headwelcomes him to the tea room. The thief makes himself at home, and soon a servant automaton brings him a tea cup and come cookies.

The Coopers settle their disagreement and meander down the hall. They too arrive at the tea room, and soon the entire party is enjoying warm food and tasty drinks. Rowen switches personalities and is now lawful good. Roscoe asks the head butler if he can get a map, and the servant automaton returns with a map of four rooms. The servants don't venture outside these four rooms. They were assigned by the Patron to remain here and assist any who call, but the visitors have been few and far between over the last 10,000 years.

The Coopers tour the oasis. The rooms are dedicated to relaxation, and soon all of the Coopers are enjoying the services the automatons offer. Omok and Rowen get antsy, however, and they decide to explore some more. They enter the old alchemy kitchen, and they begin poking around. It appears something exploded in here a long time ago. They do not notice the crystal creatures hiding in one of the corners, and they are ambushed. The battle is joined and soon both Omok and Rowen are in real trouble. Roscoe, hyper vigilant as always, notices that they are missing, so he steps in the room weapons drawn. Soon all Coopers are participating in the fighting, but it takes effort on everyone's part to finally defeat them.

Noticing a crack in the kitchen's wall, Darelle discover a greater fire elemental in the other room. The elemental has been enslaved to fire the forge. Various molten metal parts are being crafted here. The Coopers bargain with the elemental that if they free him, he will help them. The elemental agrees, and as soon as it is free it returns to its plane. It considers leaving the forge helping the Coopers. With that potential enemy gone, the Coopers are ready to pursue their exploration.