Friday, November 25, 2016

Why having necromancers as roommates is never a good idea - NOT DONE

Desnus 1, 4712

With spring in the air, Thorne thinks about his mother. He decides to contact her. sends one of his spies to deliver to his mother to ask her to come to Fort Inevitable and live with him if she's already lost the farm.

Darelle pays off her debt to the caravan merchants.

People have gone missing

Two prisoners are in different cells. Wilfrid Brimley is interrogated first. Roscoe asks Thorne to join him.

Wilfrid tells them

Go to the barn

Darelle gets dragged in the barn, and the door closes.

Thorne sees the giant take Darelle to the back stall. He then lifts a secret floor, and heads down with his victim.

Thorne, Roscoe and Rowen come up with a clever plan. Roscoe will knock on the door again, while Thorne smuggles himself in the barn. When the giant is flanked, they will attack.

Three more criminals bring another old lady

Rowen brings her down the staircase.

Total of five prisoners, one of them is a boy, has been here the longest at five days.

Rowen discovers a secret passage that leads to the house


Omok comes down the stairs

Darelle sends a message to the Hellknights requesting that 20 soldiers report to the location.
Roscoe arrests Rowen.

Attacked by a blood golem.

Attaked by Lord Dargentu.

Find Gerald's skin attached to a peg on the wall. Omok finds the Horn of Ovtik

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