Friday, July 15, 2016

Burn, baby burn!

Calistril 26, 4712

It's a blistering cold and windy day in Fort Inevitable. The weather has been dry, but the winds over the last three days has created major drifts along the streets of the town. Hellknights have tried to keep up with the digging but it has been almost impossible to remove enough and keep the streets clear.

On this particular morning, the Coopers are dealing with the meteorological conditions. Gerald is outside the walls of the Fort using flaming sphere to melt some of the snow. Darelle visits Dr. Mordel's house. Daryle is out hunting big game. Roscoe has ordered the Hellknights to pile as much snow as possible on Lord Warden Way to block the worst of the wind.

At nine o'clock, the residents of Fort Inevitable feel the ground violently shake and the sound of an explosion spreads quickly. Windows are broken, dishes fall to the ground, chimneys collapse, and much property damage happens. People are stunned. What just happened?

A large blue cloud quickly raises from the area near Dr. Mordel's house and reaches up to the sky. At the same time, the pillar of smoke quickly spreads outwards. Houses catch on fire and begin burning down. Seeing this out of the window, Darelle helps Mordel and his assistant Erynna move the patients to the basement to escape from the flames. Gerald notices the smoke pillar and immediately returns to Fort Inevitable. Daryle bags an elk and sees the pillar raising. She rushes back to the town.

With the smoke rising and the fires spreading, Roscoe orders an evacuation of Fort Inevitable. Hellknights rush in to fight the fires, and with the help of the inhabitants they manage to put it out. The smoke was debilitating, however, and the fires felt more like acid than flames. Unfortunately, over 400 people, including 87 Hellknights, perished in the explosion and its aftermath.

Investigating the scene, Roscoe discovers a crater about 50 feet deep. He can clearly see one of the main sewer lines, but further down there is another, older tunnel that has been cut in two. Water is slowly pooling at the bottom of the crater, and soon it will reach up to that second tunnel. Roscoe decides to investigate. He climbs down to the sewer. The ground is covered with a scorching blue ash, and soon the Hellknight is covered in blue.

Roscoe explores the tunnels, and discovers a strange creature radiating a strong evil aura. With six legs, four arms, and a triangular head with eyes all around, the creature seemingly stops, scratshes something on the wall, and proceeds down the tunnel. Roscoe follows at a distance, and takes a look at the scratches. They appear to be some sort of runes. Roscoe defaces the runes, then returns above ground to gather some help.

With the situation now under control, Maralictor Wirt reports that over 70% of the dwellings withing Fort Inevitable have been destroyed, including Darelle's cute little house. Even if people bunk up in the remaining residences and surrounding farms, more than a thousand people will be homeless. With the granaries burned to the ground, there is enough food left to feed everyone for the next three weeks, but then starvation will set in. Roscoe orders that lumber be immediately felled and that temporary shelters be built. Campaign tents are to be pitched on the training field, and rations are halved to stretch out the food. Messages requesting assistance are sent to Dimsdale and to other surrounding localities. Gerald proposes building temporary snow shelters, and Roscoe grimly agrees that, though this may be one of Gerald's worse ideas, it is worth trying. With the evacuation proceeding apace and a plan in place, the Coopers head back to the newly discovered tunnel.

Darelle is the first to notice that the crater stands exactly where Abernard's house was located. And no one has seen Cassandra or Nissa since the day before. Could there be a link between their disappearance and this explosion?

Down in the tunnel, the Coopers realize that it is quite old. It may in fact predate the Emerald Spire itself, and its construction is not Azlanti. Roscoe describes the creature to his siblings, and they proceed down the tunnel. This tunnel is straight and never deviates left, right, or up and down. It is made of large stones that have been tight fitted, and there is no sign of humidity or water. The creature has a few hours on them, but Roscoe is convinced that it can't be too far ahead since it stopped every few feet to scribble on the walls.

After a hundred feet they find the first rune that has not been scratched out by Roscoe. Gerald examines it, and notices that it is some sort of summoning rune. The creature appears not to know what it is trying to summon, but the rune repeats itself enough that, whatever will come through when the ritual is done, will be big. Gerald copies the symbols to discover who they might have been. The Coopers then remove every rune that they find.

They eventually discover a small side room connected to the tunnel that allows for travel up and down a shaft. There are no signs that the creature climbed either up and down. Daryle drops a coin down the shaft and when the sound eventually comes back she knows that it is hundreds of feet deep.

Continuing on, the Coopers estimate that they walked out of town about two miles in the general direction of Mosswater, and the tunnel has not deviated from its course. They walk in a large room with strange machinery and gears made of a metal they have never seen before. The mechanical devices appear oiled and greased and ready to be turned on. A control panel with strange symbols, levers, and buttons is present in one of the corners. There are more levels of gears below and above. The creature's runes are scribbled all over, and the Coopers spend some time removing them. Gerald speculates that these gears, when activated, would open some large gate, and that if they did they might be able to pick up the point where the gates opened from Fort Inevitable.

Right next to the gear room is another large room with several stories of metal walkways along the walls, going up and down, with the tunnel continuing on. The creature itself is on the third level, still scribbling on the walls. Daryle looses an arrow, getting the creature's attention. It jumps down, summons two large air elementals, and attacks. The creature's blows are vicious and dangerous, but eventually the Coopers prevail and Gerald manages not to die in the process.

Trekking back to Fort Inevitable, Roscoe crosses over the crater, and takes a look in the other tunnel. There are no runes carved in the walls on this side. The creature seems to have appeared at the bottom of the crater. Roscoe orders that Hellknights cement and waterproof a wall to close both of the tunnels, before the crater itself is filled with rubble. The other section of the tunnel seemed to lead in a straight line in the direction of the Emerald Spire...

Monday, July 11, 2016

The Shadowborn Legacy

Calistril 14, 4712, continued

Having discovered that the Shadowborns hailed from the town of Xer and owned the Ivymore estate, Darelle and Daryle continue their search through the pile of paperwork they grabbed on the third floor of the official archives of Razmiran. They come across several scraps of information found in the archives of Throneskeep about Karolina Shadowborn's mission.

Daryle discovers this short piece of paper placed between a ledger book on the revenues of grazing sheep on common lands in Xer, written by Karolina Dundurst. The handwriting is the same, and the sheet of paper appears to have come from a personal journal.
24 Pharast 3514

Dlagro'azdra's was true and did afflict me and my line with a curse. In my hour of glory he managed to hide a sliver of spirit in my own soul! Now I feel it in my bones, in my blood. I must be careful and guarded lest he takes control. 
After further digging, Daryle also finds this scrap of information in a tax record ledger of the year 3519 for the area of Xer
13 Neth, 3522

My second born has been corrupted by the curse. This morning I was given the irrefutable proof in a most horrifying way. She is so young and so unaware, she can't control herself. It pains me to the point of hopelessness, but in good faith the gods will forever forgive me if I release her from this terrible existence. Tonight I shall poison her bedtime drink. I am miserable and doomed, now of the Shadowborn! I cannot escape this new fate.
More research in a portfolio containing maps of the Xer area from the 3600s leads Daryle to the following journal scrap:
21 Pharast 3514

Success! I can't believe this sacred ritual succeeded beyond my wildest dreams. The spirit of the arch demon has been caught and divided into six parts, each in its own evil book. I have attempted to destroy these books, but even the breath of the most powerful dragon has been unable to even damage the pages. I will now make it my mission to disperse these books throughout Golarion so they can never be reunited. To ensure secrecy, I will carry out this mission myself and not leave any record of the dark places where I will leave these books.
While Darelle stumbles upon a treatise that discusses the myriad ways the quail was hunted in the Xer area, Daryle comes across the following in an old family history of the Steadfast clan:
3 Arodus 3531 

Alas, I have discovered a flaw in my ritual. Over time the bonds will fail, and the parts of the spirit Dlagro'azdra will escape. I am old now, and can't remember where I placed these books. Our best hope lie in the books remaining undiscovered, for the longer the demon remains imprisoned, the weaker he becomes. But if the slivers of his spirit escape, they will seek and find each other. I retained The Rules of Chaos in my personal library, and I have instructed my children to remain vigilant and to tell their children both about the curse that afflicts us and about the lesser demons that may come looking for this book. Our hope then will be to reunite the books, release the demon and, as he will be at his weakest, slay him for good. I regret that my line will have to deal with my mistakes... 

Karolina Shadowborn's death date took place a few days after this last entry. Meanwhile, Darelle comes across this last piece of information within the quail book near the end:
14 Gozran, 3512
I am convinced I can imprison Dlagro'azdra through this ritual. The end results remain hazy, however, and I am not sure what physical form his prison will take. I will practice it on several lesser demons first to study the effects and refine the methodology.
The process takes long, and outside it is almost dusk. Needing to be back at their inn before curfew, the Coopers decide to leave. Getting out from under the table, they startle the old archivist who drops a stack of loose sheets on the floor. He asks them if they were successful in their searches, and both Coopers equivocate. The archivist asks Darelle if she would be willing to help him by placing his stack of paper on top of one of the cabinets. Reluctantly, she agrees. The archivist falls in step with Daryle and tells her a boring story about the latest documents he discovered. She does not pay attention to him and therefore misses him casting a spell. Suddenly, she feels more inclined towards the kind old man and when he asks her again what they discovered, she begins telling him what they learned. Darelle overhears the conversation and signals to her sister to stop talking. The archivist attempts to convince Darelle to share their information with them, and that he can provide them with a pass allowing them to travel on the streets after curfew in exchange. Darelle refuses and succeeds in pulling her sister away.

The twins head down the corridor and come down the staircase between the East and West wings. A large window provides an excellent view to the Great Cathedral and the gigantic portrait of the Living God. As they head down to the second floor, a creature appears in front of them. The creature is tall, lean, and a light shade of purple. Horns stick out everywhere. The demon, for clearly that is what the creature is, offers the Coopers their lives in exchange for the information they gained. He enthralls Darelle, and now both Coopers are at his mercy. They decide to fight back, but in the short battle Darelle falls down the stairs. Feeling overpowered, the two agree to the demon's conditions. In exchange for what they discovered, he will let them leave and they will have to take their chances with the patrols, since the bells have now tolled for curfew. The Coopers reveal what little information they found, and the demon, true to his word, lets them go. They are rather surprised, but, after several harrowing minutes manage to regain their lodgings. They decide that in the morning they will depart for Xer and see if they can get more information at Ivymore.

Calistril 15, 4712

Following morning prayers and breakfast, the Coopers set out of Throneskeep and head to Xer, a two days trip. They expect to be challenged, but they are allowed to regain their equipment and leave the city.

Calistril 17, 4712

Mid morning, Darelle and Daryle arrive on the outskirts of Xer, in the small village of Blair upon Verdant. They come upon an auction in the center of the village, and realize, to their horror, that the manor has just been purchased by ... the Millers. Sneaking in the manor house, they find the library and discover the first book, The Rules of Chaos. Daryle takes it and places it in her backpack, and they head out.

Over the course of the trip, bad things keep happening. They are ambushed by bandits. Daryle's backpack breaks at the seams and the book falls in the mud. Darelle realizes that her purse has a hole in it and all of her coins are gone. The cold snaps Daryle's bow string and somehow she cannot find any more. One of the horse breaks a leg. The other horse is killed when a branch falls on its head. On the third day, they stop by a small shrine of Iomedae manned by a local priest. They ask the priest to bless the book. He takes one look at it, and tells them this is a foul book, and that there is no power he can grant that would protect the wielder of the book. He does provide them with holy water, and Daryle liberally sprays the book, to no obvious reaction. Misfortune continues to plague them along the way.

Calistril 23, 4712

Daryle and Darelle arrive back in Fort Inevitable. They speculate that Abernard may be in possession of one of the six books already. The old man is out of town, and Daryle would rather not meet with Cassandra and Nissa, so they agree to meet with Dr. Mordel. After discussing the item and the information they discovered, Dr. Mordel advises them that this book has a different power and he cannot counteract it. But during this discussion the Coopers come to the conclusion that they will need to secure all six books so that the arch demon can be called forth and killed. After considering several places where to dispose of the book, including in the magma underneath the Emerad Spire, they decide to place it on the tomb of Karolina. And magically, the bad luck stops ... for now.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Razmir's Archives

Calistril 7, 4712

After their discovery of the crypt underneath the mausoleum, Darelle and Daryle spend time exploring the meager records left behind in Shadowborn Manor's library. After a day and a half of searching, they decide that they will not find any more information about the origins of the family, whether in their book Shadowborn, Leaders of the River, or from any of the archival material present in the manor.

They thus decide to travel to Thronestep, the capital of Razmiran. There the government archives may contain more information about their family. This could be dangerous, however, as there is still a price on their heads for having escaped the evil clutches of the Living God over a year ago. They will disguise themselves so they appear to not be related. The Coopers  will travel overland, avoiding Mosswater and its creatures. The trip there should take between six and eight days. The Coopers ride to Fort Inevitable where they notify their brothers. They then begin the trek back to their homeland.

Calistril 9, 4712

Gerald borrows the gem of true seeing from the Hellknights, and he heads to Dr. Mordel. There he meets both the good doctor and Cassandra. Mordel uses the gem and examines the scar on Gerald's chest. Once again he remarks that the cut was done by a professional and was very precise, more precise in fact that even Mordel could achieve. After carefully looking through the gem, the doctor passes it to Cassandra and asks her what she sees. She reports that she sees a large gem embedded in Gerald's heart. She casts identify on the gem, and she detects necromancy and abjuration. Gerald tells the story of his birth and how his father was of the fey. Sometimes he leaves no tracks. He also has a few extra spells, such as a deep slumber. The sorcerer speculates that the gem may or may not be compatible with the bloodline. Could it be acting as a mild poison to him? Cassandra speculates that maybe it is a tracker for scrying, but then Mordel points out it would have been easier to hide the gem in a different spot, such as the buttocks, somewhere the scar would not have been seen. No, clearly Greenhide wanted Gerald to know something had been done to him. But what exactly? In any case, there is no way to remove the gem at the moment without killing Gerald. Mordel also points out that the only person in the area who could have made such a precise cut is Karlyle the Butcher.

Gerald then heads home to do more research on the six funeral masks he found on the 7th level of the Emerald Spire. These masks were used in Sartoss' evil rituals. The masks themselves are made with tarnished gold and feature several gems inlaid in various locations to lend a shimmering effect to the mask. Each mask uses different gems: peridot, topaz, citrine, garnet, tumaline and zircon. Many gems are missing from each mask. The craftmanship is exquisite, but the masks themselves are non-magical.

Calistril 10, 4712

Gerald goes to Falandra Nolm's bookstore and borrows some of her books to do further research on the masks. He eventually comes across several ancient references to the Children of Kabess, an obscure Azlanti cult who worshipped a demon lord. The Children of Kabess all wore elaborate funeral masks to demonstrate their willingness to die in service of their lord. It is rumored that the Masks could be used as focus for spells or as components of ancient rituals. They haven't been seen in over 10,000 years and are presumed destroyed during Earthfall.

The masks are slightly smoke-stained, and require a good cleaning and polishing. If properly cleaned, they would be incredibly valuable, despite missing several gems each and their overall poor condition after being used by Sartoss.

Calistril 14, 4712

The Coopers sisters arrive in the capital of Razmiran after an uneventful seven day trip. The city of Thronestep is only forty years old, and was built on the shores of Lake Encarthan by the Living God himself to serve as the glorious capital of his growing empire. The heart of the city is made of expensive and beautiful masonry and exotic wood from throughout the Inner Sea. But the city has grown too large too quickly, as the slums outside the city walls attest. Never having visited such a large city, Daryle and Darelle are suitably impressed, despite the chills they see at the number of soldiers deployed in the street and the omnipresent Mask of Razmir on unfurled banners and flattering portraits of the Living God placed everywhere. The streets are packed with people and wagons, and the noise is deafening.

Searching for suitable lodging, the Coopers eventually elect to stay at Merciful Inn, located inside the walls close to one of the many gates. The inn appears well run, and has a stable where they can leave their horses. They exchange pleasantries with the owner, who asks them if they are here to celebrate Razmir's historic speech, which he will pronounce tomorrow. He tells them that rumors abound that the Living God will announce new measures concerning the healing of the nation with a renewed call for religious crusades against all of their neighbors. The Coopers reply they were unaware the great Razmir would appear on the balcony of his palace, but now that they knew they would surely attend. In their room they find another portrait of Razmir. The eyes seem to be following them wherever they go. Daryle decides to cover it with a blanket.

Since the day is still young, the sisters decide to go to the Razmiran archives. The inn owner provides them with helpful directions, and they head into the heart of Thronestep. They cross over the large Absolution Bridge and enter the government quarter on the Holy Island. The Coopers are surprised that there are not as many soldiers in the streets as there are in Fort Inevitable.

The Coopers head to the archives. Located in the heart of the government sector, the archives sits across from the grand Cathedral of the Living God. The archives are housed in a large gothic building with a large portrait of Razmir on the outside. They enter the building, and head to the large counter in the center of the entrance hall. After a few questions and answers from the archivist manning the desk, they are directed to the second floor, in the north wing of the building. There Darelle discovers tax records of the Shadowborn family, that indicates several individuals departed what became Razmiran for the River Kingdoms back in 4132, after selling their estate, Ivymore, as well as their possessions. The archivist on this level tells them that older records are likely to be found in the Xer area, located on the third floor in the east wing.

The east wing's third floor is covered by large piles of books, papers, maps, and other archival materials. No one appears to be here. How will they find what they're looking for? A small voice suddenly arises from behind a gigantic pile. An old wizened man carefully steps over large volumes strewn on the floor, and tells them he's the archivist in this section. Darelle asks him where they could find familial information from the Xer area from the 3900s. The archivist asks them if there's anything they are specifically looking for, but Darelle dodges the question. The man sighs, and directs them towards one of the alcove. He tells them he's afraid not much has been cataloged and classified in this section since the archives moved here thirty odd years ago, and he wishes them luck.

The Coopers locate the alcove, and, hiding behind a desk stacked with materials, begin sifting through old records...

Friday, July 1, 2016

Tale of the Crypt

Calistril 4, 4712

Daryle spends the morning in town and she hears the gossip that the Millers have returned from their trip to the Emerald Spire and turned in over 20 pairs of goblin ears. Daryle suspects that they are a plant for Razmir

The Coopers are relaxing in the evening with a nice glass of wine and a good book in the newly renovated library. Darelle is reading River Kingdoms Herbs: Not Just Folk Remedies, while Daryle is consulting an ancient tome about the history of the Shadowborn family, titled Shadowborn, Leaders of the River. She comes across a very strange reference to the mausoleum that sits in the corner of the estate. It appears that it was once part of a much larger crypt. Daryle tells her sister, and they vow to explore it come morning.

Calistril 5, 4712

Daryle continued to read the book last night, and she tells her sister that the last people buried here were buried over four hundred years ago. The dates span from 4218 to 4323. Shadowborn Manor was built in 4087, and the Shadowborn family itself can trace its origins from roughly 3550.

Daryle decides to search the tomb where they first discovered the dirt. She digs for fifteen minutes, but she finds nothing.

The sisters move to the left, and look at the second tomb. It is that of Anna Tirolia Shadowborn, wife of Baltazar Shadowborn, (4190-4245) the last male identified in her book as having been buried here. The corpse is wearing black funeral garb but holds a very well preserved carnation. Darelle takes a closer look and discovers that the carnation is in fact real, and appears to be as old as the body itself. She leaves the flower behind.

Lukas Shadowborn, brother of Baltazar (4231-4281). He had two broken legs, which predated his death by a few years. It would have been very difficult for him to walk. Most likely it would have been the result of accident or warfare. 

Leopolda Shadowborn (4301-4323), sister of Perisic and Rudolf, was Johann's third child. Her extremities are tainted green and orange, suggesting she was poisoned. Twenty-two years old when she died, there are no records indicating that she was married to anyone, which Darelle finds strange

Rudolf (4290-4321) was Johann's second son. He also shows signs of having been poisoned. He too did not seem to have a spouse.

Perisic (4285-4298) was Johann's first son. He also shows signs of having been poisoned at the age of thirteen.

Aman Shadowborn (4277-4301) was Johann's wife. She also holds a faded red carnation. The Coopers decide not to touch that one either.

Johann Shadowborn (4210-4298) was Baltazar's brother. The body that once was Johann emerges shrouded in darkness, and casts deeper darkness. Everything goes dark. He casts ray of enfeeblement, and Darelle is hit. Fortunately, Daryle comes to her rescue and the two of them are able to neutralize this threat. All of these names are mentioned in Daryle's history book. But where is Baltazar's tomb?

Under Aman's tomb is a secret passage down, so Darelle and Daryle move Aman in Johann's now emptied tomb, and the Coopes pivot Aman's tomb, revealing a set of stairs. After a descent of about 20 feet they enter a large room with five more tombs.
  • Matthias (4198-4279) and Maria Anna Shadowborn (4203-4254), husband and wife.
  • Joseph (4200-4267) and Eleonora Magdelena Shadowborn (4199-4267), husband and wife.
  • Margaret Teresa (4170-4208) is identified as Baltazar, Matthias and Joseph's mother. She never married and the father of the children is not identified in the book. 
    Next to Margaret Teresa the Coopers discover a secret passage which leads to Baltazar's actual tomb, along with an unnamed tomb, possibly that of his girlfriend.

    The Coopers continue to explore the vast rooms that lay underneath Shadowborn Manor and discover countless tombs. Each large room contains tombs organized in rough centuries. In the last (or first) room built, they find tombs with inscriptions dating from the 3600s. Strangely, many candles line the walls and are burning. When Darelle takes a closer look, the candles suddenly attack, and the Coopers must defend themselves.

    After defeating the candles, they explore the room and find yet another secret passage, this time leading to a smaller room containing one tomb. The inscription on it reveals it to be that of Karolina Shadowborn (? - 3531). Carefully opening the lid, they discover a well-preserved body wearing a beautiful white dress. She is also surrounded by red carnations that have not been faded by time. The white dress shimmers in the low light, and Darelle decides to carefully remove it from the body after a small female voice whispers in her ear that the dress should belong to her. She is now in possession of the Shadowborn dress. Both Coopers pick up a red carnation, then respectfully close the lid to the tomb.

    They retrace their steps and enter an unexplored room. The tombs in this room are small. Daryle realizes that there have been no other children's tombs since the first room on this level. These are all the resting place of dead children. A sobbing sound emerges from the back of the room. The Coopers cautiously enter the room and walk towards the back. Two small children made of ash emerge from behind one of the tombs and open up their arms, as if meaning to be hugged. Daryle and Darelle launch arrows, which burn instantly when they hit the young ones. They continue forward and hug Darelle, who is immediately badly burned. The battle continues until Daryle realize that they in fact want hugs. She bends down and hugs one of the children, taking some damage but releasing his soul. Darelle does the same.

    They check the room to see if any other ash children remain, but they do not discover any. They check each tomb, and realize that all of the young bodies in this room have been poisoned by a similar poison to the ones in the mausoleum. Why would anyone need to poison children?