Friday, June 10, 2016

Magma dragons, they're so cute! Wait, that really hurts!

Abadius 21, 4712, part 3

Having discovered the body of the Hellknight commander, the Coopers stand around and discuss what to do about Chaid DiViri. Roscoe took the armor and now proudly wears it, but Aoz indicates that the body should be brought back to Fort Inevitable.

Daryle states that their options are rather limited. They can either go back up one level to the Lady of Thorns' domain, or they can continue to scout and find the Spire on this level. With access to the Spire, they could use one of the Spire token to bypass the Mistress and her minions.

Roscoe, Daryle and Thorne cross the bridge once at a time, while Darelle and Gerald, accompanied by their two Hellknight soldiers, remain behind. Thorne notices that there are three strange unnatural smoke floating near the cavern's ceiling. He tells his siblings to backtrack, and they carefully walk across the bridge.

After some observations, the Coopers notice that the creatures remain in their area. Gerald converses with Aoz, and they determine that the entities flying seem to be protecting something. A Hellknight is sent to the stairs, and he is not attacked. He returns, and he still is not attacked. The Coopers decide to explore and not walk back under the creatures.

Thorne walks ahead of Daryle and squeezes through a tunnel. The fumes are thick here and he almost chokes on them. Coming out of the small tunnel, he stumbles upon a pile of metallic slag. He fires an arrow at it, and when it moves towards him he moves back through the tunnel and reports. Roscoe listens to the description, then tells the rest of the party that it's probably some sort of metallic ooze.

Roscoe removes the armor, and squeezes through the tunnel, emerging on the other side. He also has difficulty breathing, and he tells the others. Daryle places a wet cloth on her mouth, and walks through the tunnel, followed in a similar fashion by Darelle and Gerald. Thorne remains behind with the Hellknight soldiers. The Coopers attack the ooze, which burrows into the ground and emerges between the Coopers, thus providing three different angles of attack. The fight is intense, and as they are hit they find themselves covered by metallic slag which immediately cauterizes the wound but causes burn damage.

Thorne, meanwhile, hears the sounds of battle. Suddenly a large creature bursts through the wall and attack. Tall and heavy, this monster charges the first Hellknight and bites his head off. Thorne runs away back towards the bridge. He knows he can't fight it off, but maybe he can trick it. The second Hellknight puts a valiant fight, but he is also overcome by the monster. He taunts it, then runs across the bridge. The monster leaps to the other side, but Thorne dives under it and emerges back on the bridge. As the monster turns around, it is attacked by the caustic stalkers. The combat is swift, and the grey render dies a horrible death. They do not cross the magma river, however. Thorne heads back to the tunnel.

Roscoe lands several impressive blows, while Daryle and Darelle attack them from their side. Gerald casts several rays of frost, which severely injure the ooze. Darelle manages the killing blow, and the metallic slag slowly begins to drain back into the magma. Within the remains of the ooze Thorne discovers a mighty bow, as well as a strange rune in the floor in the shape of a T, along with an arrow pointed to the southern ledge.

The party continues and enters a larger cavern. A large pool of lava is smoldering fifty feet below the floor of the cave, and a cliff leads down to the lava. Across the pool is a small island where the Spire is located, glowing eerily green in the reddish light of the cave. Gerald bends down and examines the cliff' surface. He finds that it would be sheer madness to attempt to climb down. Through much effort and many attempts, Thorne and Roscoe manage to secure a rope to the Spire so they can crawl across. and leave this level. Gerald, however, has other ideas. The sorcerer uses dimension door and takes Darelle and Roscoe with him to the stone platform by the Spire. Roscoe immediately senses that something is wrong. Suddenly two young magma dragons emerge from the magma and attack the Hellknight. Gerald returns to the cliff side and manages to bring Thorne and Roscoe with him, while the sisters fire arrows at the dragons.

Roscoe and Darelle use a spire token and they are the first ones back to the Splinterdeen level. The dragons continue attack Thorne and Daryle, while Gerald delays and launches another magic missile. Daryle falls prey to the female dragon and suffers a grievous wound but still manages to transport out with Thorne. Gerald grabs Aoz but cuts himself, falling unconscious. In the process, though he touches with his own spire transport the Spire and managed to arrive back on the 3rd level.

Abadius 22, 4712

Bloodied and bruised, the Coopers emerge early in the morning and begin the trek back to Fort Inevitable to heal and recuperate. 

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