Friday, January 15, 2016

Duke Mosley Makes a Play - NOT DONE

Nehn 31, 4711

Remembering what happened at the Summer's Ball and how constrained she felt at having to fight in a dress, Darelle decides she will wear pants under her dress.

Roscoe returns to the Citadel and meets with the Lady Commander Drovust one more time. She tells him of the plan, such as it is. She plans on "dying" then being immediately taken back to her room. Only six other Hellknights will know she has not passed. She will then await Duke Mosley's move. Roscoe can enter in contact with her through Alfred the pageboy. She also tells him that if things go horribly wrong, he is to return to Cheliax and report to Citadel Gheradesca where he is to deliver a report she hid in the cornerstone of the fountain.

Daryle decides she will be violently ill a few minutes after shaking the Lady Commander's hand and will use this excuse to leave the Citadel and flee to Gerald's house. She will also shake many people's hand, including Gerald's, so that she's not accused of being responsible for Drovust's sickness and apparent death.

Still in his prison cell, Thorne talks to Mordel to see if the vampire will escape with him and the rest of the prisoners when the time comes. Mordel tells him no, he will remain here. Thorne briefly entertains the idea of capturing and sacrificing one of the prisoners to Mordel, but then abandons it as impractical.

At ten o'clock, the carillon begins to ring, and the New Year's Eve party starts. Over the course of twenty minutes, over 150 civilian guests join the 90 Hellknights already present. Drovust has positioned armed guards every few feet along the wall to keep an eye on the hall, and all the guests are searched when they enter. A valet announces every guest, and as they enter they are welcomed by Drovust. The first Cooper to arrive is Darelle. Gerald is next. Duke Mosley makes an entrance after the sorcerer. At 5'1 and wearing a full military uniform, he looks ridiculous yet it is undeniable he exerts a certain magnetism. Accompanied by 17 unarmed guards and companions, he occupies a large space. Finally, Daryle arrives at the Citadel. She goes down the receiving line, and she shakes every person's hand, including the Lady Commander's. The assassination plot is now in motion.

As they gather together by the refreshment table for some small talk, Roscoe mentions to his siblings that nine of Mosley's men are expert swordsmen, and the others may be veteran spellcasters. Clearly the Duke is up to no good. Speaking of the short man, he leaves his guards behind and he approaches the Coopers. "Hello, Riverbottoms triplets," he says in a high-pitched voice. The Coopers look at each other. Does the Duke know about their past? Daryle corrects him, telling him that their surname is Cooper and not Riverbottom. The Duke winks at them, and replies that, of course, he was mistaken. He questions Roscoe on the apparent lack of leadership within the Fort Inevitable Hellknights, especially given the destruction of the northern wall and the too close for comfort failed invasion led by Greenhide and ilk. Roscoe plays it cool and admits that it could have gone better, but under the circumstances as the commander he did the best he could. Gerald then brings up the green storms and the monsters that afflict the area at seemingly random intervals. Mosley seems very interested in that phenomenon. The Duke then turns to the Emerald Spire and the adventures the Coopers have had there over the last year. Once again, Gerald is careless with his words and begins to tell a few stories until Daryle pokes him in the ribs to shut him up. The Duke thanks the Coopers and moves on to other guests.

A few minutes later, Drovust collapses on the ground. The crowd immediately goes silent. Several Hellknights rush in and carry her away back to her room. Maralictor Wirt requests a doctor or a healer, and Darelle volunteers. They rush upstairs. Darelle mentions to Wirt that Mordel is in a jail cell, so she orders he be brought up to the Lady Commander's room, and asks Darelle to fill him in on the details as they climb the stairs.

A demon appears


Daryle helps civilians escape the Citadel's receiving hall.

Mordel and Darelle arrive on the 4th floor and are admitted to Drovust's room. Mordel appears to advise her.

Thorne escapes from the gaol and heads out through the door in the panic

Roscoe kills the demon

Daryle locks the gates and remains inside the Citadel.

Thorne goes to the store, gets his gear, and decides to head out of town.

Roscoe leads Mosley and some of his men to the wall. Mosley sees the army moving towards the Fort and dispatches Roscoe with a message to stand down.

Gerald notices that some of Mosley's men remained in the hall and are now issuing orders.

Daryle sees Bolgur and tells him the Lady Commander is in danger and that two of Mosley's people were missing.

What will happen next?

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