Friday, August 28, 2015

What was in that mead the haflings served? - NOT DONE

Lamashan 8, 4711

Alexus Longleaf comes to Fort Inevitable carrying an invitation for the Coopers. The village of Dimsdale wishes to invite them over for their Harvest Festival that takes place two days hence as their honored guests for saving their village of a giant and his giant bees. Daryle and Darelle both readily agree to attend, but Gerald is unable to come over as he is out of town on a secret mission of his own design.

Lamashan 10, 4711

At sunset, Dunleaf Appletop leads the entire village in a toast of the finest mead from last year's vintage to the harvest and to the Coopers for saving Dimsdale from the horrid bees that were afflicted it. He then asks Darelle to lead the village into song, which she does. Daryle watches the food and the drink to avoid a repeat of what happened at the July party, but nothing seems to be out of the ordinary. The party goes on for hours, and all sorts of wondrous foods keep appearing on the table. Finally, the apple tarts are brought out of their ovens, and the haflings cheer.

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