Monday, August 25, 2014

Great, now that we're here, what should we do for work?

Abadius 23, 4711

Upon arriving in Fort Inevitable, the first thing the Riverbottom family did was look for their mother's cousin, Alina Merlon. She had married a Numerian and had left Razmiran decades ago.

They approached the Juliver Gate, one of the two gates leading into the Fort. There, they encountered a half-orc Hellknight named Bolgur, who gave them a hard time. The siblings noticed that the guard presence was heavy and that everyone entering or leaving was questioned by the master of the gate, and all cargoes and bags were thoroughly inspected. After a few exchanges, Bolgur revealed that Alina Merlon lives next door to Mother Holworth, one of the most successful farmer in the area. So the siblings made their way back to the farm, and finally met their mother's cousin for the first time. At first, she wasn't convinced, but when she recognized the triplets and read Gertrude's letter, she welcomed them with open arms.

The Merlon farm currently is currently run by Alina, as her husband died in the Mendevian Crusade. She's assisted by two indentured servants, Brand Plentygold and Lister Cartwright, who assigned to her by the Hellknights. The estate is small, but produces wheat and barley, an array of vegetables, as well as apples and cherries. A few dairy cows are kept, along with a coop of chickens and a small herd of goats. Alina informed the siblings that she could provide them room and board, but that they would have to work around the farm and help out whenever they could, taxes being high and money being short.

Abadius 24, 4711

With the dawn of a new day, the siblings decide to change their last name from Riverbottom to Cooper, in case anyone from Razmiran is searching for them. On the advice of Alina, Darelle pays a visit to Mother Holworth, from the farm next door.  A stern, sharp-tongued woman in her mid 70s, she has outlived two husbands and now lives with her children, grandchildren, and even a few very young great-grandchildren. She runs the best dairy farm in the region, and Holworth cheeses are renowned far and wide. Upon seeing Darelle's animal affinity, she hires her for 5 bits a week, a modest sum even in Fort Inevitable.

Daryle is more enterprising. She enters the town, and heads straight to Karlyle the Butcher, where she inquires whether he would be interested in purchasing game from her. He informs her that he would certainly buy deer, but smaller game does not interest him. He also advises her that he also purchases goblin skins, for 3 crowns each, after they are turned to the Hellknights for the 5 crowns bounty. Daryle promptly obtains her work permit from the Hellknights, and begins to explore the countryside, looking for the best place to capture deer.

Gerald, being weak and often sick, inquires with Alina if there were anyone in town that could use his intelligence and his creative talents. She tells him that Falandra Nolm, owner of Nolm Bindery, may, but she's not sure. That's not a service she often uses. Hopeful, he still makes his way there. Falandra informs him that she does not need an employee, but that is Gerald is skilled enough with ink and feather, she will pay him a set piece, generally 25% of the sale price, to transcribe books. He graciously accepts her offer, and she gives him a quick tour of the bindery. A small space is dedicated to the bindery business itself, with about half of the floor housing book shelves covered with books on many different subjects. In the back, behind the counter, is Falandra's office, and Gerald is able to glance what appears to be an alchemist lab before Falandra closes the door, telling him that he is not allowed to go there. She provides him with a basic book, and he begins recopying it. Later on in the afternoon he meets Abernard Royst, a whire-haired sage of about 60. Knowledgeable, he comes to the bindery every day to talk with Falandra, browse books, and generally purchase one or two.

Roscoe decides to earn coins by plying his love of music into a trade. He approaches Doliver Reedbank, the owner of the Juliver Arms, one of two drinking establishments in Fort Inevitable. After hearing and seeing him play a couple of songs, Doliver hires him to play six nights a week in exchange for a small room on the third floor, breakfast, and dinner. Roscoe is on his own for lunch, but he may keep all the tips he earns.

Alina doesn't want Thorne to leave the farm and go to the Fort, but he doesn't listen, and, after careful inquiries, decides to contact Thom Braddon, the owner of Braddon's General Store, the only general store in Fort Inevitable. Perhaps this is a place where he may be able to ply his trade.

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